MILE Assessment 2024
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Ministry That Matters Questions
1. Describe who you believe your neighbors are and tell us what God is currently doing with and through them (your neighbors) that is transforming your community.
2. Tell us about your new neighbors or the new connections you have made in your community in the last year?
3. As a congregation, where do you believe you have already been invited, or are now being invited, to be a partner with God in making an impact in this transformative work in your neighborhood/community?
4. What key partnerships (outside of your local church) do you currently have or would like to have? Describe the partnerships.
5. What role has your pastoral leader played in enabling the congregation to see and speak into this invitation and your community partnerships? Role of Laity?
6. What has your church's impact been in the community in the past year?
Itineracy and Location Questions
1. Describe your pastoral leader's current ministry with your congregation.
2. How has your pastoral leader intentionally helped to lead the M, I, L, E.?
3. What are the gifts in your pastoral leader that best serves the mission of the congregation? The needs of the community? Why? How?
4. The pastoral leader and lay leadership function together as a team. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well are you functioning together as a team for the mission and ministry of the church? And why? (with 1 being “not well at all” and 10 “being very well”)
5. If this number is different than last year, why is that?
6. What would help you, the laity, to improve/increase the number you indicated above?
Lay Ministry Enhancement Questions
1. Describe the ministries of the church that are lay-initiated and/or lay-led.
2. Tell us how your church is inviting and raising disciple who can either begin new or lead existing ministries of the church.
3. How has your pastoral leader helped you in this work or raising disciples?
4. Can you identify at least 1 to 2 laity that you want to invite to lead or participate in a particular ministry opportunity in the next year? Why them? Which ministry opportunity? How?
5. If you identified 1-2 laity for focused prayer last year, what effects have those prayers had?
6. Identify 2-3 laity who you believe are called and/or gifted to lead beyond the local church (perhaps at the district or conference level) as a means of participating in our connection. Where might these gifts be best used? Example: Disaster Response Ministries, Conference Board of Pensions, etc.)
Elimination of Racism Questions
1. Describe the efforts you have already made in the elimination of racism in your Congregation as well as areas you still need to work on.
2. How are you presently seeking to eliminate racism in your church and community?
3. Tell us about a time when your ministry intentionally worked to include someone or a group that is different. (What is the difference that you addressed? What does that difference matter? How did you address this?)
4. How has your pastoral leader helped you in the work?
5. What partners (outside your local church) do you already have for this work?
1. What resources or support do you need to have the impact you desire in your congregation's journey with the M.I.L.E.?
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